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(951) 674-9400 (Lake Elsinore Corporate Office)
(760) 761-4300 (San Marcos Office, Recruitment and Training Center)

5 Tips to Connect with Your Kids as a Resource Parent

Connecting with your kids – biological or not – can be tough sometimes! We get it; kids are always changing and in their early years, it seems like they grow up in a flash, right before your eyes. What was their favorite food one day they can’t stomach the next, and it seems like their […]

5 Easy Crafts to Try With the Kids This Month

Did you know that March is National Craft Month? If you have a child who loves being artistic or is curious about getting started, this is the perfect time to encourage them to try!  Who knows? Maybe, crafting might become one of their lifelong hobbies or turn into a family tradition of some kind. Whatever […]

Kamali'i Foster Family Agency
Corporate Office:
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Riverside County Office
31772 Casino Drive, Suite B
Lake Elsinore, CA 92530
Voice (951) 674-9400
San Diego County Recruitment and Training Center:
Office Hours: By Appt. Only
145 Vallecitos de Oro, Suite 210
San Marcos, CA 92069
Voice (760) 761-4300