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(951) 674-9400 (Lake Elsinore Corporate Office)
(760) 761-4300 (San Marcos Office, Recruitment and Training Center)

Correcting Difficult Behaviors Through TBRI

Are behavioral issues that your foster child is struggling to outgrow sending you up the wall? Being a resource parent comes with its fair share of challenges, but luckily, you have Kamali’i to provide you and your child with resources to succeed. Below, you’ll find tools you can use to correct problematic behaviors and encourage […]

Maintaining Connections: How to Help Foster Kids Navigate Change

What connections are most important in your life? What relationships make you feel loved and supported? Does your association with certain communities—like a church or sports team—give you a sense of belonging? Our connections not only define how we relate to the world around us, but they also affect how we see ourselves. That’s why […]

Kamali'i Foster Family Agency
Corporate Office:
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Riverside County Office
31772 Casino Drive, Suite B
Lake Elsinore, CA 92530
Voice (951) 674-9400
San Diego County Recruitment and Training Center:
Office Hours: By Appt. Only
145 Vallecitos de Oro, Suite 210
San Marcos, CA 92069
Voice (760) 761-4300