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Being a Home for the Holidays

Foster child opening a present

Being a child’s home for the holidays is not always easy! The holidays are incredibly hectic, and it seems as though parents spend October through January perpetually stressed. Between Halloween costumes, Thanksgiving dinners and holiday gifts, there’s endless things that need to get done. If you’ve started feeling that pressure, remember you’re not alone! Being a child’s home this holiday season is one of the most heartfelt things you could do.

This season may be especially hard for foster children. Whether it is their first year without their biological families or their tenth, it never gets easier. Don’t be hurt if they appear to not be enjoying the holiday season. Many times, it’s hard for foster kids to enjoy intimate traditions and quality time with their Resource Families without feeling guilty, or even feeling a sense of betrayal. It may be difficult for your foster children to have fun and feel joy without also feeling as if they are turning their back on their biological families. The best thing you can do is be there for them, and remind them that they shouldn’t feel bad for enjoying themselves. Helping them through the holiday season while also making it fun for them will allow them to better enjoy themselves not only this season, but in future holiday seasons as well.

When it comes to gift giving during the holidays, it can be a difficult discussion to have. Be sure to include gifts for your foster children in all of the festivities. They may not be yours biologically, but you are their home, and it’s important to do everything you can to keep them from feeling left out. Be sure to mention to any gift-giving friends or family members that your family has gained an extra member this year! Try to find things they are interested in, or things they need and can take with them if they are placed back with their biological family. Showering your foster child with love and spoiling them with a few nice gifts is sure to make this holiday season one to remember.

Overall, while having an extra member of your family for the holidays can be stressful, it’s also the more the merrier! You are bringing happiness and holiday cheer into someone’s life, and that is a kindness they will never forget. Be safe and have tons of family fun!

Kamali'i Foster Family Agency
Corporate Office:
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Riverside County Office
31772 Casino Drive, Suite B
Lake Elsinore, CA 92530
Voice (951) 674-9400
San Diego County Recruitment and Training Center:
Office Hours: By Appt. Only
145 Vallecitos de Oro, Suite 210
San Marcos, CA 92069
Voice (760) 761-4300